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  3. Online Teaching Jobs at RINXs Online | How to Begin, FAQs

Online Teaching Jobs at RINXs Online | How to Begin, FAQs

Hello! This is RINXs Online.

RINXs Online offers a variety of lessons such as English Class, JLPT Preparation, Chinese Conversation, Arabic Learning, and so on.
What kind of preparation is necessary to become an online tutor at RINXs Online? Is there any support for tutors? What is the margin rate? We have compiled answers to these questions and more!

If you’re considering making your debut as an online tutor, be sure to read all the way to the end!

★About RINXs Online★

RINXs Online is a service that allows you to participate in lessons and social gatherings online from Japan and around the world. It is an online platform with the theme of “mutual learning” that offers various classes as well as private lessons in each language.
You can choose a learning style and exchange meeting that suits each individual, such as group study sessions, language exchange learning, conversation groups, international exchanges, and theme discussions.

Q1. Do I need any certificate to become a tutor?

A. It is preferred, but not required.

Q2. Is it possible to hold my classes at RINXs Online along with other companies?

A. We are open to offering lessons alongside other companies, as long as it does not interfere with the operation of lessons at RINXs Online.

Q3. What kind of lessons are popular right now?

A.For Japanese lessons, JLPT preparation and business manner lessons are popular, and for English, conversation lessons are popular. We would love to see you create lessons for parents and children as well!
To know more about lessons that are currently held, check out RINXs Online’s【official instagram】page!

Q4. Will RINXs Online introduce potential learners to my classes?

A. RINXs Online is an online learning platform. Basically, you are responsible for opening courses and attracting customers by yourself. However, there is a possibility that we may introduce corporate projects to outstanding instructors.

Q5. Is there any support for instructors?

A. We can help you input lessons into the website and advise you on the contents and prices of the lessons. We can also provide you with images of the lessons to use as PR for your lessons.

Q6. What is the margin rate for lessons?

A. The percentage starts at 65% and increases based on the level of contribution to RINXs Online. The maximum is 85%.

Are lesson hours and lesson fee fixed?

A. No. You can arrange them by yourself. As for the length of lessons, 20mins~90mins including break are popular. As for the lesson fee, 500JPY~1,500JPY for Group Lessons/ 500JPY~3,000JPY for Private Lessons are popular.

Q8. Can I borrow RINXs Online’s paid Zoom account?

A. We’re sorry but we are not available for Zoom account lending. If you need one, please sign up for paid Zoom account (144.9 USD/year).


Q9. Can I hold lessons using my smartphone?

A.  We require you to prepare PC or tablets due to the inconvenience in screen sharing (texts appear on the screen can be too small).

Q10. Can I recommend commercial textbooks to my students?

A. Yes, you are welcome to recommend it. Please do so after consultation with the student, as the student may not be able to purchase the product.

Q11. How can I promote my lessons?

A. We encourage the use of SNS (instagram, facebook, twitter) for PR. Even if you do not have an account or are not familiar with the use of SNS as PR, it is okay! We hold SNS workshops for instructors, so you can participate in those workshops and learn the basic usage and effective use of SNS.


These are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about becoming an online tutor with RINXs Online!
RINXs Online helps teachers communicate with those who want to learn a language.
Why don’t you use your language and teaching skills to help many people learn a language?

We are looking forward to your registration!:)

★Tutor Registration Details Page★

If you have any questions about registering as a teacher at RINXs Online, please feel free to contact us at the contact information below!
▶︎ support@rinxs.co.jp

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