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  3. Autumn is the best time for reading!

Autumn is the best time for reading!

Hello, October is almost here!

We’ve stopped updating the blog for a little while..We’ll bring you some fun stuff for autumn !


Yes, Autumn has arrived, bringing with it cool breezes and the beauty of changing leaves.

In Japan, autumn is often said to be the best time to read.
The expression “autumn for reading”(読書の秋) refers to the fact that autumn is the perfect season for reading, and there are several reasons for this. Here are some of the reasons why autumn is called the ‘reading autumn’.


The Perfect Reading Weather

Autumn offers the ideal climate for reading. It’s pleasantly warm during the day, with slightly cooler nights.

This comfortable weather creates the perfect atmosphere for reading.

Opening a window to let in a gentle autumn breeze while you immerse yourself in a book is a truly delightful experience.


A Great Companion for Travel

Many people embark on trips during the autumn season.

Whether you’re on a train, plane, in a hotel lobby, or a cozy café, you can enjoy a good book virtually anywhere. Reading while traveling allows you to escape into stories while exploring new places.


New Releases Galore

Publishers tend to release numerous new books during the transition from summer to autumn.

As summer fades, authors eagerly unveil their latest works. Autumn, therefore, is the ideal time to get your hands on fresh literary adventures.



An Academic Atmosphere

Autumn marks the beginning of a new school year. Students receive new textbooks and course materials.

For those who love learning, autumn is a season of excitement as they delve into new subjects and acquire fresh knowledge.



In essence, These factors have led to autumn being seen as the best season for reading and being dubbed the ‘autumn of reading’.

Pleasant weather, the release of fresh books, the harvest season and the start of the school year are some of the reasons why reading is so popular in autumn.

For book lovers, autumn is considered a particularly exciting season.

Wishing you a wonderful autumn filled with fantastic reads!




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